Monday, June 21, 2010

Adventures in NYC

On Saturday, Woody and I checked out NYC Adventure, which I mentioned in my last 5 for Friday post. It reminded me of the Central Park Winter Jam in February - which is good, since people had a blast at that event. This one was no different. It was packed with enthusiastic people of all ages! Here are a few pictures from the event:

free bike helmets and safety info for riders of all ages

booths featuring food from local farms and info from organizations like the American Hiking Society, Sierra Club, the National Parks Service, and companies like Merrill, EMS, and Honest Tea (just to name a few)

North Face was showing people how they could create energy using their bikes (and charging iPhones)

kids learned how to fish

others climbed rock walls (there were two walls for adults, too)

the NBCU tent featured fitness demos like this one featuring two Season 7 Biggest Loser contestants Nicole & Damien in the red shirts, and cooking demos (that's Top Chef former contestant, Carla on the far left).

people lined up around Bethesda Fountain to kayak in the pond

People also learned to fly fish, took mini-yoga classes, saw martial arts demonstrations and much more! Another great event in Central Park!

What adventures did you take this weekend?
Workout Stats -
13mile bike
20min StairMaster
3x10 leg press
3x12 lat pull down
3x10 hammer curls
3x10 hamstring deadlift, bicep curl, shoulder press combo
3x10 upright row


Robyn said...

I really need to start taking advantage of this stuff. Were you dying of heat? This weekend was a scorcher (and not in a good way), I was a sweaty mess.

Lindsay @ said...

I'm already a big fan of North Face, but this only makes me like them more. I spent Saturday car shopping..definitely an adventure!

Anonymous said...

only New York has all of these cool events! love the energy powered ideas-so cool to charge your cell phone :)

Anonymous said...

This looks like so much fun. I took my son and two nephew to a water park on Saturday.

Stopping from SITS!

Jen Feeny said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Spike and I checked out the Okemos Art Walk, it was not nearly as exciting! LOL!

BTW - That job lead you sent me lead to an interview and I am hoping a job offer! Thanks again girl!

Ms. V. said...

Looks like a blast!!

Weightloss Center said...

you really enjoyed your adventure in NYC. I hope i could also visit New York!

Simply Life said...

wow, what a fun event!

To answer you question - my mom says that you have to be patient with the eggs -if you let them cook long enough they're usually pretty easy to flip but if you try to soon then they just crumble (her words, I'm still not very good at it and not patient enough :)

A Runner's Mind said...

Just discovered your NYC! Adventures taken this weekend....watching the walls go up in our new running shoe specialty store!

AM! said...

now, this would be a great venue for me and the whole fam to go to.


Christy Ashley said...

Looks like a great event! Can't wait to move to NYC so I can start going to things like this! 1 more month =)