Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello Spring!

I know, yesterday was the first day of Spring but today is the first full day! And it's another absolutely beautiful day in NYC! I am definitely sorry for all those in Colorado and other places that are being hit with snow and rain storms today. I hope they end quickly and Spring arrives.

Today is also my nephews 2nd Birthday! He's such a smart cutie and I wish we could be in Minneapolis to help him celebrate with his parents (my sis and BIL) and my parents. I'm sure he's having a blast and that they're all running around to keep up with him. It's only a short matter of time until he's on the ice playing hockey!
Happy Birthday Cutie!!

Yesterday I volunteered at the NYC Half Marathon Expo and was stationed at the number distribution table for 4hrs. It was a roller coaster of intensity, I got to help out a lot of people with a wide range of experience. From first-timers to local elites. Rocco Dispirito's bib was in my bin, but alas, he never showed up. I suppose he's off somewhere fantastic cooking and eating delicious foods! His loss! I met some cool women who were volunteering for their credit towards marathon qualification for next year. One of whom ran the Disney Marathon in January and is running San Diego later this year. If I was a runner, I'd be a bit disappointed in the Expo, especially compared to the NYC Marathon. It was extremely small with only a handful of vendors and booths, plus, the location is far out of the way for most people, but as far as I could tell, the process was very smooth and we did our best to figure out any issues as quickly as possible. I hope it was a good start to the weekend for all the runners!

This morning I headed to the park to check out the race for a little bit.

men's leaders
Deena Kastor leading
In the end, Peter Kamais from Kenya finished first in 59:52 and Mara Yamauchi from Great Britain won the women's title in 1:09:17 (both unofficial times). Turns out Haile Gebrselassie dropped out of the race after mile 9 due to an asthma attack. I personally can not even begin to imagine running that quickly! It was completely intimidating and awe inspiring as they blew past me knowing that they had only run 7 miles and the amount of energy they were exerting was incredible! I am so impressed by these runners!

After checking out the race I headed for the gym since the park was a bit insane. Truthfully, my foot was bothering me a bit so I thought it would be best to fit in an elliptical workout today. Had a great workout and the gym wasn't to crowded, which is always nice!

Then, I came home and made this delicious breakfast. Changed up my usual yogurt breakfast a little and added a toaster waffle to the mix. Yum!
I have entered into a new love affair with Chobani greek yogurt. It's simply amazing. I usually stick to the non-fat plain, but today I spiced it up a bit with non-fat vanilla. I love the thickness of it as well as the high amount of protein and low sodium. Yum!!

I have a bit of Spring cleaning to tackle today and a STATE basketball game to watch this afternoon. With Kansas out of the picture now, looks like a major roadblock has been cleared but the team has to get through today first! One game at a time. Oh March Madness!!

Have a great day! Can't wait to read all the race re-caps tomorrow!

Workout Stats:
7.15mi elliptical
2.5mi stationary bike
3x12 side bends
3x10 upright row
trad planks and side planks
75 bicycle crunches