Saturday, March 20, 2010

Good News for CP Runners!!

Some of the water fountains have been turned on!! Not all of them are working yet, some of which I think would be the first to go on, but perhaps its another way the city is trying to save costs, who knows. It is progress though. I would much rather run without having to lug water along with me, and I think others agree.

For the first few miles of my run this morning (in absolutely perfect running weather!) I didn't even pay attention to them as I went by since they usually aren't on this early in the year, so I only know of three that are, but here is where you can find them:
  1. Just north of the reservoir along West Drive between W93rd and 94th on the path going towards the tennis courts (I saw a group of women gathered around it)
  2. Also along West Drive near the Swedish Cottage just north of The Lake
  3. The south end of the Observatory Water next to the concession stand that is sometimes open and sometimes not, directly across from the Alice in Wonderland statue.
If you know of any others, let me know! The fountains by the 72nd and 5 entrance and the Boathouse are not on yet, even though I'd think those would be some of the first. Oh well. At least a few are working!

I want to congratulate the awesome runners who finished the National Half Marathon this morning in DC - PRs set by Sarah and by Matt!!!! Congratulations!!

After the NYC Marathon, tomorrow is the second biggest running race in NYC each year. With 1.5 laps through Central Park then down 7th Ave to Times Square, 42nd St to the West Side Highway and down to Battery Park City, it's an exciting and fun trip through the city! I ran it two years ago and loved it! Partially because it had the largest crowd I had experienced yet and I hadn't run a race through Times Square before, it's definitely unique! I want to wish tons of luck to everyone running half marathons tomorrow! There are a ton of them here in NYC including TK, Megan, Chris, and many others I know I'm missing (please leave a note)! Also, there's a large group of runners out in Washington running the Mercer Island Half Marathong including Melanie who's going for a PR even after a week of being under the weather. Good luck everyone and have fun!!

I'm off to volunteer for the NYC Half Marathon Expo. If you're going to be there this afternoon, look for me!

Have a great weekend! I hope the weather where ever you are is as nice as it is here!

Workout Stats:
6.5mi run
3x12 tricep dips