Saturday afternoon I grabbed an iced coffee from Jack's Coffee on Front Street (delicious), found a seat along the new section of the East River Esplanade near our apartment and read RW cover to cover. I have to say, this issue was pretty good.
A few articles, in particular, caught my eye...
1. The Athlete's Palate recipe by Rocco DiSpirito - Tortilla Soup with Avocado.
I posted about this on Tuesday, so check HERE if you want to see how it turned out.
2. The Heat is On by John Hanc. This article is about a guy who wanted to find out the best hydration and training plan for running in hot weather. So he works with some professionals and signs up for the Hottest Half in Dallas, TX. Has anyone run this? If you ask me, anyone who does has a little bit of crazy in them! Anyway, the techniques John uses to train and prep for the race are pretty interesting and thankfully he learned some great lessons from doing it. If nothing else, there are some really important facts and warning signs that all runners should know before heading out in the hot summer sun!
3. Fastinista! by Sarah Bowen Shea. Okay, I must be out of the loop more than I know because I have never heard the terms "fastinista" or "stunners." Have you? When I first flipped through the magazine this article stood out. I thought I'd see a picture of Tall Mom! The history of some of the 'newer' companies designer running gear for women was really interesting; and the map of San Fran made me want to buy a plane ticket and spend a day (or two) shopping! I loved reading about See Jane Run, since I'm running the 5K in Seattle in less than two weeks!
4. The whole section on the economics of races is incredibly fascinating. As one of the thousands of people who have shelled out quite a few hard earned dollars to run the NYCM and someone who is really interested in the behind-the-scenes of racing, reading about how the money is spent, is good to know. It's a well-known fact that races are costing more money to produce each year, but it's still nice to see how our money, and the money they spend, is put to use. The one thing that I wondered about is why the NYC Marathon had to spend $2.5million in 2010 to attract elites to the race. Seems like a lot to me considering it's one of the world's premiere marathons, but hey, that might just be me! According to the economist, we get more than our monies worth from the races we enter. I just wish we could choose whether or not we want the cotton t-shirt or not, but I do understand that's part of the deals races make with sponsors.
5. Your First Half by Bob Cooper. While the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon in October will not be my first half marathon, I have to take into consideration the injuries I've had over the past year and be smart about my training. I jumped in too fast when I started training for the Broad Street 10Miler and we all know where that landed me! This article lays out a smart 10 week first-timer training plan that I'm going to try. I had been looking for a plan, so this was perfect timing for me! Sports Doc told me that because I have osteopenia I need to start training long before the typical runner, so I'm going to start this week. Yep, this week. And the race isn't till October. I need some structure in my life when it comes to running and I've been without that for a while now. Hopefully this will get me on the right track to a successful run to Canada and back!
- Do you love or loathe hot weather running?
- Are you a 'fastinista'? Have you ever heard of that term?
- Do you follow a training plan devised by someone else or do you create your own? Or do you not follow a plan?
Today's workout -
None. Much needed rest day.