Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Latest Denver Addiction: High Line Canal Trail

In early April fellow Denver Oiselle runner Lindsay introduced me to the High Line Canal Trail. I'm not sure how I've missed out on this gem for so long, but I'm glad I'm in on it now. The 71 mile urban trail winds its way from the Roxborough State Park south west of Denver to Aurora in the north east. 

Since that first run, I've been back twice more: once with Woody for a seven mile run, and also on my Birthday this past Thursday for a 5-mile walk/jog. In retrospect I shouldn't have gone out on Thursday being that I'm sick and all, but I was determined and stubborn, and so I went anyway. I had planned to start my birthday with an 8-mile run, so at least I adjusted when I got sick and pulled back a little (although I highly doubt I did myself any good by going out at all).

While I've only experienced one small section thus far, it is a beautiful one for sure and a nice reprieve from my regular scenery. Starting just south of E Hampden off Colorado Blvd (there are some parallel parking spots for trail users just outside a church parking lot) and just a little further south on Colorado Blvd where there are some spots along the side of the road at Three Pond Park. 

The wide trail - a mix of paved and natural surface - is open to runners, walkers, bikers, dogs (on-leash), and horses. Its owned by Denver Water, but maintained by the municipalities it runs through, so regulations can vary in local areas. Since the trail goes through some parks, there are some facilities along the way but it's best to bring along your own water.

Here's one map for reference, although it's not perfect as it doesn't trace the trail all the way to Roxborough State Park. Still, a good reference. I'm hoping we spend a lot of time on this trail and explore many other sections. Until then, here are some photos I captured to share the gorgeousness with you. How could someone not love this?

How good are you at cutting back on running or exercise when you get sick? * What was the best part of your weekend? * Who's up for joining me on the High Line Canal Trail?