Now, on to PUMPKIN! I always get a craving for pumpkin flavored foods in the fall. It hasn't always been like this and I don't know when it started, but it's a fact. The trouble is finding tasty pumpkin foods that aren't high in calories and fat (like the pumpkin muffins that seem to be everywhere now).
Let me introduce you to my new favorite breakfast. I had it yesterday and loved it.
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Overnight Oats
1/2cup oat mixture (whole rolled & Irish)
1/2cup water
1tsp chia seeds
1tsp ground flax seeds
cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice to taste1tbs raisins
1tsp peanut butter
1tbs canned pumpkin
1 small banana, sliced
1. Mix the first 9 ingredients in a bowl, cover and place in fridge overnight
2. At least 15-20 minutes before you plan to eat (like before you go for your morning run or take your shower) add banana slices, mix and place back in the fridge.
3. Enjoy!
It was absolutely satisfying and kept me going for hours!
Then, this morning I decided to try something a little different. I got this recipe from Eating Bird Food. My version is simpler than the original, but you can boost the power using her's.
Pumpkin Smoothie
1/2 frozen banana (or 1 small one)
3/4c almond milk (I used unsweetened vanilla)
1/2c canned pumpkin
1/4tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/4tsp cinnamon
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth
Now, this was delicious! Next time I'll include the chia seeds, but I think that's all I will do differently. It's incredibly easy and healthy. Since my slimmed down version of the original recipe has fewer calories, it's even a great snack!
I highly recommend you give both of these recipes a try and let me know what you think!
What is your favorite pumpkin flavored food?
today's workout -
3.5mile run