I woke up this morning and it was 47’. Yes, I know that’s not bad compared to where some of you are, but it’s all relative, right? It’s fall. In some places it’s like winter. I think all the meteorologists I’ve seen have said that this is much too early for such cold weather. This is just a guess on my part, but it’s probably a result of global warming. Another reason to recycle, conserve, and do our part to take care of the earth.
Yesterday, I ran. It was a beautiful morning: a bit chilly and a few fluffy clouds on and off. My foot was still bothering me a bit and at times was worse than others, but I got through all 20 miles and it actually hurt less after the run! I was looking forward to the run with a bit of trepidation since I didn’t know if my feet could take me through the whole thing. I was using this as a gauge of sorts and was elated when I finished. Tomorrow I go see the podiatrist again and hopefully the x-rays will come up clear again.
Long runs can be a lot of fun. You’re probably thinking this is a joke, but now I really enjoy them. When I was training for the half last year, I though 13 miles was a huge feat, now it’s a great outing. I’ve done my long runs on my own, which may seem pretty difficult to some, but I like having the time to myself to think, enjoy the weather (rainy or sunny), go at my own pace and again, have time to think and dream.
Yesterday as I was running back uptown along the west side highway, I found myself in a sea of pink. The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer was finishing up. I have such great admiration for all the women (and a few men) who walked for 2 days to support the cause and all of the friends and family cheering them on. These women dotted the city with pink all weekend and helped to bring attention Breast Cancer Awareness month and the need for more research and making information and services easily available for ALL women. I also have great admiration for all the women who are dealing with and recovering from breast cancer. They are strong women who we should all admire and learn from.