I woke up this morning with a bit of apprehension and a bit of excitement. I've been dealing with a slightly injured left foot this week since my hill workout Tuesday morning but had scheduled a run with my good friend/colleague/marathon buddy, G. I stretched a few times yesterday and iced my foot hoping it would help for the run today. It was 59' and still a bit humid from yesterday's rain this morning. The sun was also out but the weather forecaster said it would be cloudy on and off all day. I don't know about you, but forecasts like this always make it difficult for me to decide what to wear. You don't want to be too cold before or after, but you also don't want to be too hot and uncomfortable just a few miles into the run. Well, I made my way to the subway and out to Queens to meet G at her apartment. Her knee has been bothering her and with my foot the way it is we weren't sure how far we'd get, but we had a plan. Run over the Queensboro Bridge (mile 15 of the marathon), head up 1st Ave (mile 16-18) then cut over to 5th Ave where we could pick the route back up and jump into the park at 90th to run the last 2.2 miles of the race. She often runs the bridge but I hadn't done it until today. It was great to see what the entrance looks like, what the incline feels like, how far it goes. I've heard it's the hardest part of the race because you're 15 miles in and all you hear are feet hitting the surface. I'm going to concentrate on the end of the bridge when we'll hit 1st Ave where thousands of people line the street to cheer on the runners as they eat their french toast and sip mimosas! Plus, I know that my family won't be far up the road once I turn the corner. It's all a mental thing, right? Right.
I was pretty worried the other day when I had a fairly disastrous run but after today, I'm feeling much more confident. Just have to keep this going. It was great to spend the morning running with a good friend, enjoying the beautiful weather and getting in a few miles.
My husband and I don't cook often. It's not that we don't want to cook, it's more because we are exhausted by the time we get home from work and would rather put together a salad or sandwich. Last Sunday my sweet husband cooked a great dinner for us and then he surprised me Monday night by cooking again! I was in heaven! Two nights in a row! Not that he hasn't done it before, but it was just a nice surprise. This weekend is my turn to cook. It's officially fall now and what goes well with fall and football? Turkey Chili. I don't have a recipe, but somehow it always turns out pretty well. I just throw in a few cans of beans, ground turkey, tomatoes, green and red peppers and onions. Voila! It's simmering now and making our apartment smell amazing! The best part about chili is that it makes plenty of leftovers and tastes even better the second day!
I hope you've all had a fantastic weekend!