Don't worry, I'm not going to write about my latest thoughts on the new season of The Hills. Today was a hill repeat workout. I started with a 2mile warm-up run up 5th Ave and back. Then I did 4 repeats of Cat Hill. Four isn’t that much, really. Six would have been better but I knew I had to watch my time. Cat Hill is about a quarter of a mile, so with the jogs back to the bottom of the hill between each one, I got in another 2 miles. To finish off the workout I did a cool down of another mile on 5th Ave. I wish I had gotten 6 or more miles in, but I feel good about the workout and pretty happy with my performance. I feel like my legs kind of forgot what it’s like to go fast this year, so it’s a struggle to go faster. My lungs are ready to go but my legs need a little coaxing. Good thing my goal for the marathon is to finish and not necessarily to hit a specific time. Never the less, it was a good workout this morning to prepare for this weekend’s race. Grete’s Great Gallop is just over two full laps of the park – which means lots of hills.
I’ve been doing well shaking up my breakfast so far this week. Check out these yummy looking pics! What do you eat for breakfast? Hopefully not a Pop-Tart (just saw a commercial for them after a segment on childhood obesity. Interesting timing, don't you think?)
I hope you all have a great day and don’t forget, Biggest Loser is on tonight!