Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crunch Time

Throughout the summer I have been running in Central Park several mornings each week. For most of it, I'd see a handful of runners, along with many bikers, during the first half of my run and the park would start to get busy towards the end. Last week I noticed a sharp increase in the number of runners in the morning. Today, it was like an average Saturday or Sunday morning! You can definitely tell that it's crunch time for Fall marathoners! I love running in the morning. The city is still quiet, the sun is coming up, and it is a great way to start the day! Now, it's great to share the road with so many other people who share the same goal as I do. There's a bit of an unspoken bond between all of us because we all know why were there. With 45 days until the ING NYC Marathon and 66 days until Philadelphia (another popular marathon for New Yorkers) there are many miles yet to be run!

Now, I'm feasting on a great breakfast of Kashi cereal, a banana, grapes, toast with peanut butter, and a weekday rarity in our apartment, a cup of coffee before I head off to a busy day at work. Tonight is the NYRR information session on last minute medical tips and then we're going to a screening of Matt Damon's new movie The Informant. What a great day! Start with a run and end with a movie!

The October issue of Runner's World arrived in our mailbox the other day. I read it cover to cover. If you're a runner and have not read this magazine, go buy it today! A great friend of mine gave me a year subscription to the magazine for my birthday one year not long after I started running. I will always be thankful to her for introducing me to this source of incredible and helpful information along with inspiring stories.