Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back Out There

I attempted to run this morning and got in a fairly slow 5.5 miles. My knee felt fine but I was worried it would start hurting at any moment, so I took it really easy and didn't push myself. I have a big run coming up early Sunday morning. The 18 Mile Tune-Up consists of three full laps of Central Park. Might not sound too bad unless you've run the Harlem Hills. These 18 miles will be harder than the first 18 of the marathon. I have to get a lot of sleep this week, rest up, eat well, get my runs in and stretch A LOT!

A friend of mine has a gig tonight at Rockwood Music Hall on the Lower East Side. He's an amazing guitarist and I encourage everyone reading this in New York to come out. They're on at 9pm and you can check out Cameron's site here.

Also, I want to remind you about the NYRRF Young Professionals Committee's fundraiser at Dewey's Flatiron tomorrow night starting at 6:30. Drink specials and raffle prizes. $20 at the door for 2 drink tickets or $35 for 2 drink tickets and a technical tee. This is for a great cause so please come out and support.

If you're stuck uptown because of all the UN traffic and can't make it to Dewey's, check out the free public premiere of Ken Burns' new documentary The National Parks: America's Best Idea. I saw the huge stage and screen being erected this morning on the East Meadow in Central Park (just off 5th Ave in the 90's) while I was on my run. There will also be live performances by Counting Crows and Augustana. This sounds like another fantastic documentary from Burns and I look forward to seeing it. If you've figured out a way to be in two places at once, please let me know. I could benefit from that tomorrow night!! Click here for info about the event.

Eat something yummy and healthy, go for a relaxing walk, and have a great day!