The office has been slowly clearing out - a few people took the whole week off, others won't be there today, and I will be out Thursday - it's strange to say goodbye knowing that we won't see each other until 2010. We're a pretty small office and spend quite a lot of time together, so we've become quite the dysfunctionally-working family. If someone needs help with something, others are there in a second. Tuesday, for instance, one guy had a big mailing that HAD to get out before the holidays but also had a few other time sensitive things on his plate, so four of us grabbed the jiffys and got to work. It was done within an hour. One of my colleagues, Gracella, is one of my best running buddies. She also trained for the NYC Marathon (her first too) and was a great inspiration and support system through the months of training. We may have times of disagreement, but in the end, we're all there for the same reason and are ready to lend a helping hand or words of encouragement. I hope 2010 brings more success and that we reinstate our weekly running group!
Last night, the Spartan Men's Basketball team (#9) was in Austin to play Texas (#2). Woody went to one of the two MSU Alumni bars to watch with other Spartans, and I bowed out to come home and do some baking. Well, things didn't turn out how I had hoped. Something has been up with our oven for the last week or so. I pre-heat the oven and within minutes of putting something in, the smoke detector starts beeping it's horrible, screeching beep! Woody is good at jumping up on a chair with newspaper or magazine in hand to wave around under the detector while I run to open the window and the door (create a straight through airflow) until the beeping stops. This time I was on my own. It went off three times within 4 minutes of putting the granola in the oven. I had BIG plans for baking last night and they all went up in 'smoke.' Woody isn't working today, so one thing on his 'honey do' list (which he never has) is to talk with the maintenance guys and get one up here to figure out what's going on. I'm not going to stall my planned Martha Stewart evolution because of either an issue with the oven or an over sensitive smoke detector. Also, the Spartans lost another game they should have (could have) won.
When Woody got home, he took the battery out of the detector (I know, I know) so I could finish up the granola. Let's just say, I got far fewer hours of sleep last night than is recommended and was dragging myself to the gym this morning. But, the granola looks good!
Tomorrow we are hoping to make our way to Minneapolis for Christmas, to spend with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. The weather forecast doesn't look so great, at all, so we're starting to wonder if we're actually going to make it or not. Hopefully we will, because it sounds like it's going to be a busy, fun-filled weekend. It's going to be interesting/fun to see a 21 month old enjoy Christmas! After the way we've celebrated Christmas the last few years, I almost forget what it's like to be a kid at Christmas.
I remember when we were young, my father's side of the family would all gather at my Grandparents house. With my Grandparents, parents, 6 aunts & uncles, my sister, 7 cousins, and often one or two others who would join in the celebration, we would enjoy tons of food, games, odd child shenanigans, the full family picture, and a raucous gift opening session. Us kids would gather up all the wrapping paper after all the gifts had been open and play in it all for as long as we could until Grandpa or an uncle would pull out the big trash bags. I remember lots of loud laughter, intense conversations, and many photo albums that would tell the story of the year that had just passed. We have a big family, that is even bigger now that most of my cousins have had children. I can't imagine how much space we would need if all four generations got together in one place.
It's great to read the Christmas letters that come in the mail. To find out what people are up to and have been spending their time and effort on all year long. Woody and I send out some cards, but haven't gotten to the 'Christmas Letter' point yet. We feel it's really something reserved for couples with children, who have swim lessons and class recitals to talk about. But I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we can send a Christmas letter about our escapades. Hmmm. Maybe next year.
What are your plans for the holidays?! Are you scheduled to fly or drive somewhere with weather that isn't looking so great? Do you send out Christmas letters recounting your adventures of the past year? Do you have any great memories of the holidays growing up?
Have a great day!
Don't forget to check in tomorrow, for my 100th post!
1 comment:
Because of last weekend's snow, our school district closed the schools for the 3 days we were supposed to report this week. So I have 2 weeks off..woo-hoo! Enjoy your vay-cay, and have the most wonderful of holidays in the most wonderful city in the world...
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