Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back in windy New York

Happy Tuesday!

We're back in New York and I'm enjoying two days off work before we head to San Antonio for the last few days of vacation.

I didn't get a very good nights sleep, so even though I planned to sleep in a while, I was still up and just about ready to go to the gym when Woody got back from there just before 6:30am. He has to work today and tomorrow (poor guy) so he was there dark & early this morning. It is extremely windy here today. After 1.5hrs of cardio and a bit of stretching and weight training, I saw the wind blow a trash can down the street and was stopped in my tracks by a gust! Definitely a bit chilly and I'm not planning on spending much time outside today.

While I definitely ate too much of the great food my brother-in-law cooked over the weekend, I had a great time in Minneapolis. The weather didn't stop us from getting there on time, got to see my sister help lead the Christmas Eve service at her church, received great gifts and gave a few good ones too (if I say so myself!), enjoyed good food, got to play with my cute and talkative nephew, hang out with the family, visit a few museums, and got back to New York without much problem (we didn't see any heightened security).

We hit up the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis on Sunday to tour the mansion and learn more about our Scandinavian heritage (Finnish & Danish, mostly).

My sister & her family got the Wii Fit system, so we all got to join in the fun and try out a few games. Woody & I don't have a Wii System, and this was actually our first time trying it. I think we're addicted - Woody would have kept playing if we didn't pull him from it to leave for the airport!

My nephew even got into the action! (Isn't he adorable?!)

And we stopped for Juicy Lucy's at the 5-8 Club for lunch before they dropped us off at the airport. Yes, we ate burgers with cheese oozing out of them! But trust me, they are really good burgers. I wouldn't have split one with my mom if it wasn't actually a good burger. I think this was one of the trip highlights for Woody!

But seriously, we had a great time and thank my sister, her husband, son, and my parents for welcoming us and sharing the holiday with us!